Thursday, December 17, 2009


If you're still checking for updates, you will have noticed that there haven't been any for well over a month, until now at least.  For that matter, this really isn't much of a post either.  I'm just checking in to let you know that I'm not going to be posting for a little bit longer.  "Real life" has gotten too hectic and I've had too much going on.  Mainly, though, I haven't been able to think of anything to blog about.  Christmas is fast approaching and things have been going wrong right and left (I'm sick, a 50 foot tree fell and smashed our fence, our car windshield broke, my inlaws are about to visit, etc, etc, etc) and we've been going to concerts and playing video games (remember how I'm so bad at first person shooters?  I'm still no better, and "Left for Dead" is giving me a nervous breakdown.  I'm determined to get better at it eventually!) and so I haven't even attempted to post.

I feel bad about that, though.  Each day I try to make myself post and I just can't do it.  So I'm giving myself permission to quit for now.  I'll be back after the new year has started.  (Though I might have to make one exception to post about "Sherlock Holmes", which I am really looking forward to!)  And if somehow I get inspired I'll start posting again sooner, but don't count on it.  Look for me after 2010 has begun.

If you are looking for fun things to do, I highly recommend any of the things we've been doing lately:  Star Wars: In Concert (which was amazing!), "The Princess and the Frog" (which is by far my favorite princess movie, and is a "real" Disney movie in every way),  "Left for Dead" (which for me is frustrating but fun) "Super Mario Wii" (perfect Nintendo game, a return to the old-style Mario games), 1 vs. 100 on XBox Live, or the Brian Setzer Orchestra Christmas Extravaganza (so much fun!). 

You'll see me on here after the New Year if you come back then, and some of you I'll actually see before then in real life. :)  I'll still be Tweeting and updating Facebook, so if you keep up with me on those sites (or on my sidebar here) then you'll know I'm still alive. 

In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday season!