Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wow that really doesn’t mean the same thing at all

I keep being shocked when I watch one of our local newscasts because they are promoting an upcoming event, and every time they mention it what I hear is ". . . and be sure to bring the kids to our 'Touch a Drunk Day' . . ."

You'd think I would remember by now that it's actually "Touch a Truck Day". They are going to have lots of different kinds of trucks that kids can climb on and in. I'm sure the kids will enjoy it more than they would enjoy "Touch a Drunk Day". Though with Big Spring Jam coming up this weekend I'm sure there will be ample opportunity for those who want to touch a drunk to do so.

At least it amuses me every time I hear it. I'm a little down today and anything funny is a welcome change. Last night was Snoopy's last night as Hathaway Browne at the Adventurers Club. He was Fletcher for the last time a couple of days ago, and Lancelot is done being Graves. Every day seems to be someone's last night either as a specific character or at the Club as a whole. It's so sad to see it ending!

I think to get my mind off of it I'll go shopping later. Those of you who know me from the message board where I posted my furious rant at Disney about the "We want more shopping" thing know that I don't usually love shopping. However, there are several things I've really been wanting lately and I think today is an excellent day to get them. So hopefully later I'll return victoriously bearing shopping bags containing new fleece to make myself a cozy Snoopy blanket, the "Watchmen" graphic novel, and "Lego Batman" for the 360. (Update - I did get my fleece, book and game! I was good and didn't get the Heroes or Dark Tower graphic novels that I found. Yet, anyway.)

And then this weekend I'll be playing Rock Band 2 with Moustache Hat. Plus going to "Touch a Drunk Day" (otherwise known as the Jam). So despite my sadness over the Club, I do expect to have a good weekend anyway. Maybe we'll even go to European Market and stock up on Kinder candy. It's impossible to be sad with a bag of Kinder candy, a good book, a comfy blanket, good company, and new video games!

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