Thursday, October 02, 2008

It breaks my heart

I knew I shouldn't watch it, but of course I did anyway.

I've loved the Adventurers Club so much for the last few years, and gotten so much happiness from it, that I guess in a way I felt that I owed it to the Club to mourn it properly. So I watched.

It creeps up on me sometimes - I'll see something or hear something that reminds me of the Club or one of the cast members and then I remember yet again that there's no "next time" any longer. I can't look forward to seeing Snoopy as Hathaway or Blondie as Otis again. But overall my life is fairly happy and I have lots of ways to keep occupied and to keep myself from dwelling on the loss of the Club.

Still, I've been checking youtube to see when the videos of The End would start to show up. I saw Otis celebrate his Balderdash victory and it didn't bother me, though I do have mixed feelings about Emil not winning that last competition. The one video I was most anxious to see was Snoopy singing his last Hoopla song, but of course it was also the one I thought would upset me the most. I knew he had sung "When You Go" by Jonathan Coulton. The song makes me sad even when Jonathan sings it . . . he's usually so funny and it's such a serious song that the impact is even stronger than it would be coming from some other singer. Once I heard that Snoopy had sung it as Emil I found it even sadder, and I sat there on Saturday night (or rather early Sunday morning) listening to it and getting all teary because the Club had closed.

The video of Snoopy singing "When You Go" showed up on youtube today. I knew it would make me sad to watch it, but I still had to. I didn't get teary over it.

I flat out cried instead.

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