Tuesday, February 03, 2009

25 Things

Several of my friends have tagged me in their "25 Things" notes. I don't tag people - but if you want to write your own "25 Things", consider yourself tagged!

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I would rather be at Walt Disney World. Until recently I've gone there as often as I could. Since they closed the Adventurers Club I've been taking some time off, but I'm ready to go back now. I'm still boycotting Downtown Disney until they reopen the Club, though.

2. If I decided to leave the United States tomorrow, I would most want to move to Ireland. I would be most likely to actually move to Poland.

3. I love Irish, Scottish, and English accents. I will listen to anything at all as long as it's in one of those accents. I can't talk to anyone with one of those accents without accidentally imitating them.

4. There are a few performers I go see every chance I get. They are David Copperfield, Gaelic Storm, and several of the former cast members from Disney's Adventurers Club.

5. I can almost always see how magic tricks are done, but there is only one trick that I can actually perform myself.

6. I can play flute, piccolo and piano. I love the flute and piano but hate the piccolo.

7. I really want to learn to play the bagpipes and am currently trying to find an instructor closer than 2 hours away.

8. I spend too much time online blogging and visiting discussion boards, but prefer to keep my real life and online persona separate. Most people who know me online do not know who I am in real life and most people in real life don't know me online.

9. I drink hot tea every day. I rarely drink coffee, though I do love Caribou Coffee's Campfire Mocha.

10. I enjoy juggling and have taught several people to juggle.

11. I collect cookbooks but usually end up cooking the same things over and over.

12. I love electronic gadgets. I really want to go to the Consumer Electronic Show and I always want to get the newest phones, TVs or gaming consoles.

13. I am hooked on video games. I especially love music games like Rock Band or Guitar Hero and platformers like the Mario games or Little Big Planet.

14. My dream car is Eleanor from the movie "Gone in Sixty Seconds" but the next car I buy will be a Mini Cooper.

15. I hope to run my first Disney Marathon by the time I'm 40.

16. Silence hurts my ears. I have to have backround noise all the time.

17. I spent most of my life in Tennesse but I hate country music. My favorite music is from the 1940's.

18. I have a weird memory. I can remember evey detail of conversations I had in high school or college, but I have trouble remembering things from this morning.

19. I am happy to consider myself a geek. I really want to attend the San Diego Comic Con next year.

20. I love action movies. I do not like dramas or "chick flicks", though I occasionally like romantic comedies. I hate tearjerkers.

21. I lived in Tucson, Arizona for two years before moving back to be closer to family. I still miss it and would love to move back there someday.

22. I prefer to spend most of my time with my husband Caradorn, our son The Kidd and the people I am closest to. I am not a big party person.

23. I think people who go on most reality shows are crazy, but I would love to be on "The Amazing Race" or "Don't Forget the Lyrics". I also wanted to be on "The Mole" when it was hosted by Anderson Cooper.

24. I would love to live in central Florida someday, but won't consider it until after my son graduates from high school.

25. There are several people who I consider close friends that I very rarely speak to, but if we spoke tomorrow, we'd pick up exactly where we left off. I believe people come into our lives for a reason, and I am thankful for the people who touched my life and helped to make me the person I am today.

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