The past week or so has been really busy, but it's also has it's share of excitement. And somehow we have found plenty of time to shop.
Last Thursday afternoon my phone rang, and when I didn't recognize the number I almost didn't answer it because I've been getting lot of telemarketer calls lately. I grabbed it at the last minute simply because I knew it was a central Florida number. I'm so glad I did! It turned out to be a friend from the Orlando area. He was calling to let me know that Jonathan Coulton has finally scheduled a concert in Orlando. I was so excited that I almost started shrieking into the phone, but fortunately for my friend's ears I did manage to control myself. As we were talking, though, I was getting more and more excited about it. I was pacing back and forth and almost jumping up and down and talking faster and faster. Shortly before we got off the phone Caradorn walked in, and he looked really confused about why I was freaking out so much. Once I hung up the phone I tried to explain to Caradorn why I was so excited, but I was talking too fast and waving my arms and pacing and jumping and it took a while for him to get the idea. Of course we bought our tickets when they went on sale on Saturday. I am so excited! I am really excited about seeing Coulton again, because I love him. But I'm almost as excited because so many people I like in Orlando have been dying to see his show, and now they'll be able to.
After we bought our tickets we decided to go to Nashville for the day. I've posted before that I hate shopping, but that's not entirely true. I hate shopping for clothing or anything specific that I need, but I enjoy browsing in some stores. We hit all my favorite places in Nashville and I bought way too much. After grabbing sushi at Ru San's we checked out Urban Outfitters, where I found a Snoopy shirt and a book - "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies", which I'm reading now. (It's okay, but doesn't have nearly enough zombies so far!) Then we went to Green Hills and spent far too long at Davis Kidd, one of the best bookstores anywhere. I got Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" and Caradorn and The Kidd also found some books, plus Cardorn got me a packet of Opus postcards which I am now threatening to frame. I found my favorite new shampoo/body wash/bubble bath at Sephora - Philosophy's Pumpkin Spice, which smells like Fall. And I discovered that Macy's has a great selection of Snoopy shirts - though I controlled myself and only bought one, which has Snoopy and Woodstock and says "Chicks love Nerds". Caradorn and The Kidd found a big selection of Star Wars shirts, so they were happy, too. While we were in Nashville we also stopped by Trader Joe's and Whole Foods to stock up on groceries we can't find in Rocket City. I'm trying to cook more lately, and I have found that I'm more likely to do that if I have lots of interesting ingredients to work with.
Sunday we had to do some errands around Rocket City, and we made the mistake of going into Petsmart. Every time we go there I torture myself by visiting the cats who are waiting to be adopted. This time I saw the prettiest kitten I think I've ever seen. Her name is Willow, and she's white and grey with big beautiful golden eyes. We do not need a kitten. We don't need any more pets, but we've agreed that we would consider an older cat if we found just the right one. No kittens! But I can't stop thinking about Willow. She was so cute, and so pitiful. She really was pretty, though, and so surely someone already gave her a home. Hopefully. Because I am really tempted to swing back by there this afternoon just to be sure she isn't still waiting for a home. And if she's there I'm going to have to play with her. So I really, really hope she isn't there. We don't need a ktten!
Yesterday I found out that Star Wars in Concert is coming to Nashville, so I'm hoping to get tickets for that when they go on sale tomorrow. And tomorrow we are going to another concert. Kiss is going to be in Birmingham, and we are taking The Kidd to see them for the first time. Caradorn and I have seen them before, and we didn't love them - but we did like them, and it was a fun show and I think The Kidd will get a kick out of seeing them. We're going to make a day of it, I think, since we always enjoy visiting Birmingham. And now that I'm back on a cooking kick I need to visit Penzey's again. Penzey's is a wonderful spice shop (and website) and I need to stock up on all the spices I need for fall and winter. I don't know where the time has gone - I can't believe October is almost over! But I do love the fall - the color of the leaves, the cold air, the Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations and celebrations. The soups and stews and spiced ciders, and of course the baking! I see Pumpkin Bread in my future. And Gingerbread. In fact that sounds like a good thing to add to today's "To do" list. And then this evening we will settle in to enjoy warm gingerbread and "Dollhouse". And most importantly we will enjoy staying home and not shopping for a change!
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