Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy New Year!

    I know, you see the title and you're thinking it's awfully late for me to be wishing everyone a happy new year.  It's already January 19 which means that the first month of 2010 is already more than half over.  But I'm considering today to be the real start of 2010.  That's because today is the day that life returns to "normal" for the Piratz family.  We've been traveling off and on throughout the holidays, and yesterday we got home from our last trip for a while.

    Since today is the first normal day we've had in a while, it's also the day we're starting to work on our resolutions for the year.  Maybe if I tell you mine, I'll feel more like I have to actually follow through with them.  So here they are:

*I will be more active this year.  I feel so much better when I stay active and when I'm in better shape, and this year I'm going to stop using my headaches as an excuse.  I'm going to make myself get out and be active, whether I want to or not.

*I will be more organized.  I have made progress with this one lately, but I still have a long way to go.

*I will be more social.  I am not a terribly social person.  I prefer to stay in the background as much as possible.  I have a really hard time making myself talk to people, especially those I don't know well.  In the last year I've tried to force myself to be more outgoing, and I've met some really great people as a result.  I still feel awkward and nervous around new people, but the more I make myself talk to them the easier it seems to get.   Hopefully someday it will start to feel more natural - and in the meantime, maybe I can at least get better at faking it!

*I will cook more.  I like to cook, but I don't do it much.  We tend to resort to takeout or going out to eat far too often.  This year I hope to make those the exceptions rather than the rule.

    So. . . we'll see how it goes.  I have a good feeling about this year.  It's been great so far!  I have so much to post about, and now that I think about it maybe that's one more resolution to add to my list.  I'll keep up with my blog more.   It's a good way for me to sort out my thoughts, and it's a good record of what I've been up to.  And maybe more than anything else, it's a great way for me to feel more accountable for following these resolutions.  If I can make myself be honest about my progress, at least, and I think I can.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a new lifestyle to work on.

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