Sunday, April 05, 2009

So Worth It!

I'm still in Orlando, and just came to the room for a little bit to cool off before heading off to dinner. But I had to take a minute to post. It takes us about 11 hours to get here - really, it doesn't have to take that long but if we stop any then that's about how long we usually take. We've had lots of fun here yesterday and today, and I'm really glad we came. We have had time to stroll around Epcot and notice little details, and enjoy the Flower and Garden Festival, and have some nice meals. We also got to see the funniest person ever performing in Epcot. :) Plus, Caradorn and I have gotten to spend time together, which is especially nice since our anniversary is tomorrow.

However, even without all that, this trip was completely worth the drive. It was totally worth making the whole trip just to watch Snoopy in "Fully Committed" at the Mad Cow Theatre. He was amazing. I was always in awe of his ability to become his Adventurers Club characters so completely, and this was even more incredible than that used to be. The show was fast paced and hilarious, but had its touching moments as well. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, and I wish we could see it again before it ends its run at the end of this month. Yesterday evening was one of my favorite evenings I have spent in Orlando, and I definitely plan to return to see more of Snoopy's plays in the future.

If you will be in the Orlando area on a weekend in April, I highly recommend that you go check out "Fully Committed" at the Mad Cow Theatre!

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