Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I am thankful, really. But. . .

   Let me preface this post by saying that I am truly thankful that Caradorn has a good job. . . especially lately, with all of the layoffs that have been occurring here in Rocket City.  I was horribly worried when it was announced that there would be layoffs on Caradorn's program, and incredibly relieved when he was informed that he is considered "crucial" to his project.  Yay!  It would be darn near impossible to support our family (and our Disney habit) on a teacher's salary, so it's important for Caradorn to have a good job in his field. And I really am thankful.  Very, very thankful.  Truly.

Have I said I am thankful?  I really am.

So I wouldn't want him to lose his job.  Or to quit.  Really, I wouldn't.

I really, really wouldn't.  Honestly.

But. . .

I hate his job so much right now that I could scream.

   His hours are usually great.  He has quite a bit of flexibility in his schedule most of the time and he can even use "Flex time" to take more vacations without using his vacation days.  It works out well for us most of the time.  But there are a few times throughout the year when they start testing his product.  I hate those times. He works ridiculous hours and spends the bulk of his time in another city during the testing process.  The testing goes on almost all day and all night, every day, including weekends, and someone from his group has to be there the whole time.  It usually only lasts a few weeks but this time is apparently more complicated because it has stretched into months at this point.  That's months of Caradorn being away most of the time including weekends.  He was supposed to be done before Labor Day, but now it appears that it's going to take even longer - which means he will likely be working that weekend.  That is especially upsetting to me since Labor Day weekend is supposed to be a Rock Band Weekend for us, when my sister and her husband visit and we all do nothing but eat stuff that's bad for us and play videogames (mainly Rock Band) for the whole weekend.

   I'm fed up.  Especially since I recently discovered that one of Caradorn's coworkers refuses to work weekends, which means the other group members have to work his share as well as their own.  He has also been leaving work when he's ready to leave and refusing to stay late if he is needed.  Apparently this is because he needs to spend time with his kids.  Well Caradorn needs to spend time with his kid, too. Caradorn finally said something the other day about being unhappy about possibly having to work Labor Day weekend, and Coworker actually said "Well, at least you might not have to work next weekend." Really, Coworker?!  You haven't worked any weekend.  I think it's your turn to work a few weekends.  In fact I think you need to work Labor Day weekend.  After, all, at least you didn't have to work last weekend. Or the one before that.  Or the one before that. . . I've always liked this coworker before this, but I hope I don't run into him anywhere while I'm still mad about this.  If I do it won't be pretty.  I am furious with him right now.

   I know the testing will be over soon.  I know that things will get back to normal before too long.  And in the meantime I do know how lucky we are that Caradorn has a good job.  But right now I have had enough of all this testing.  I'm tired of not knowing if it's safe to make plans for the family since I don't know when Caradorn will have time off.  I'm tired of having to cancel travel plans because Caradorn can't get away.  I'm tired of worrying about whether the testing will be over before we're supposed to go to ConGaloosh and what we will do if it isn't.  I'm tired of getting angry every time his boss calls or I hear his coworker's name. I'm tired of Caradorn being stuck in telecons and conference calls during the small amount of time he is home.  I'm just tired.  I've been in a terrible mood lately, and a large part of it is this stupid testing.  I want it to be over already.

   But I am thankful he has the job.  I really am.  I'll just be more thankful when he isn't devoting all his time to it.

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