Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In cheerier news. . .

   It seems like all I've done lately is complain.  I am usually a happier person than I have seemed on here lately, but I haven't wanted to vent to Caradorn since he's not thrilled with work right now either and this has become my outlet.   I haven't been sitting around moping all the time, though.

   Last week we did manage to carve out enough time to go have fun together.  Of course the time had to come from somewhere - and a band parents meeting seemed like a great place to find some.  So to further dash my hopes of winning parent of the year any time soon, we skipped the meeting and went to a movie instead.

   I used to love Mystery Science Theater 3000 when it was on TV.  In recent years some of the folks involved have started doing something new.  It's called Rifftrax.  Now that they aren't on television they have branched out more.  They don't just do commentary for bad older movies anymore.  Now they cover all sorts of movies, including things like Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

   Last week there was a Rifftrax Live event in some theaters across the country.  It was a showing of "Plan 9 From Outer Space" with commentary by the guys from MST3K.  There was also a special musical guest: Jonathan Coulton!  It was broadcast from a theater in Nashville (and oh, how I wish I had known about it earlier so I could have tried to get tickets for that theater!).  Fortunately one of those theaters was here in Rocket City.  Caradorn and I debated and debated about whether to take The Kidd or not, but we finally decided we would.  We were hoping he wouldn't be scarred for life from the experience.  I was half afraid that Coulton would do "First of May", which I like but really don't want The Kidd to hear any time soon. (No, there's no reason he ought to play that at a sci-fi/outer space/zombie movie.  It wouldn't have made any sense for him to play it.  But I figured if we took The Kidd that he'd end up playing it anyway.  Fortunately he didn't; he played "The Future Soon" and "Re: Your Brains" instead.)

   It was great! We all really enjoyed it, and thankfully no one said anything that we would have felt guilty about exposing The Kidd to.  I am hoping that they will do this sort of thing again.  I think that tickets sold well, even here in Rocket City, so that's a good sign.  In the meantime I will be downloading more Rifftrax to listen to while we watch some of our DVDs.  It was so nice to just sit back and enjoy something and laugh and I think we could use more of that sort of thing.   Lots more.   There are lots of Rifftrax, and I think Caradorn and I need to work our way through all of them.  We'll even let The Kidd join us for some.

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