Saturday, May 09, 2009

Star Trek. . .

. . . was amazing! The best movie I've seen in quite a while. It's a great reboot to the series and overall a really fun movie. I'm looking forward to seeing it again to catch all the little details I missed the first time. I definitely think it will appeal to Trekkies, but I also think people who have never seen anything "Star Trek" before will also enjoy it. Actually, The Kidd has never seen any of the movies or shows before - clearly we are bad parents for allowing him to miss those till now - and he loved the movie. Said it was one of his favorite movies ever.

The actors all did great jobs of staying true to the feel of their characters but not just imitating the previous actors. I was sort of afraid that Kirk would just end up being one long William Shatner impersonation but Chris Pine did a really good job. There were moments where he was very much like the Kirk we used to know but he never seemed forced or cheesy.

They couldn't have found a better Spock than Zachary Quinto. He was perfect.

Everybody else was great, too. Chekov irritated me a little bit but then the real Chekov irritated me, too, so that's no suprise. But there wasn't anybody who stood out as a bad casting choice - they all fit together quite well I thought.

There was one thing in the movie that I suspect will bother Trekkies - one inconsistency that I think doesn't work with the established Trek universe/timeline. Everything else works well, though. And really the one thing isn't a huge deal and might not be as much of a problem as I think it is - I'm not as up on my Trek history as many people are. And the movie doesn't have to follow the established history for the Trek universe (and they do a great job of explaining why they don't have to follow the established storylines), so most changes don't matter. This one thing, though, isn't explained and feels a little bit like an oversight. (To those who have seen it - it involved them knowing about something before they should have. But there is one way that it would make sense and I might have just missed that, so I will pay more attention to that part when we watch it again.)

My one real complaint was that I would have liked more Bones and Scotty. But that's not a criticism based so much on the movie, because the movie seemed well balanced. I just loved listening to Scotty and would have liked to hear more of his accent. And of course I really like Karl Urban and would have enjoyed seeing more of him in Star Trek. ;)

They mentioned Slusho, which I was thrilled by. (By the way, if you watch "Fringe", did you notice that Walter was drinking a Slusho the other day? I did - I saw the top of his drink and was saying "That really ought to be Slu. . ." when they panned down slightly and I saw the top of the logo and screamed "It is! It's Slusho!" at the top of my lungs. Caradorn and the cats did not appreciate that.)

There were lots of little nods to Star Trek fans and I'm sure I didn't catch all of them. I'm anxious to see it again. I would love to go back today but that might seem excessive. Maybe tomorrow instead. :) And we will definitely be getting it on Blu-Ray the day it comes out. This is one of those movies that I can see myself re-watching often!

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