Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I feel like such a fraud

I've said before that I am a bit of a geek, but I have some things to confess. Sadly, they might take my "Geek" title away from me after I admit these things.

I don't like comic books and I won't watch "Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan".

There. I've said it. I feel so much better now!

Before you discount me completely and consider me a total non-geek, let me explain. First, the comic book thing. I had a bit of a scare yesterday when we passed our local comic book shop and I saw a "For Lease" sign out front. It turns out that another store in that strip mall has closed, but The Deep (our comic book store) is still open. It got me to thinking, though, that I very rarely buy or read comic books. There are a few that I collect but not that many. Overall, comic books really irritate me. It's because I read quite fast - too fast, really; I read the last Harry Potter book in under 6 hours and that was with breaks to grab more kleenex (there were some sad parts) and snacks. When I read a comic book I finish it in only a few minutes and then I have to wait a month to find out what happens next. I hate that! I would much rather wait until the graphic novel comes out and read the whole storyline at once. Or at least wait and read all of the comics in that storyline in one sitting. So it's very rare that you'll see me sit down to read a comic book, though I do enjoy the stories. I don't like all the different storylines that go on, though - I do much prefer it when there is one accepted universe for a story rather than the multiple (and often conflicting) storylines in the comic universes.

[Here is where I should admit another shameful secret - I don't like to start to read a long ongoing series of books until it's finished. (The exception being the Harry Potter books.) That started when Stephen King was hit by a car before finishing the "Dark Tower" series. What if he had died?! We would never know how it was supposed to end! As a result I refused to read "The Wheel of Time" series even though Caradorn wants me to. Finally I was about ready to go on and start them anyway but I held off a little longer. And you know what happened? Robert Jordan died, that's what happened! I stilll haven't read the series and I might not. Supposedly he left instructions and someone else is going to finish the story. If they ever do, then I'll read the books.]

I do love Star Trek. I willl admit to not being a real Trekkie - I can't name all of the episodes and the dates they aired, and "DS9" is my favorite of the Trek shows. (Followed by Next Gen, then Voyager, then the original, then Enterprise.) I like the TV shows more than the movies, but I do enjoy most of the movies. I'm really excited about "Star Trek: Nemesis". I do admit to finding the whole Save the Whales (Collect the whole set!) thing cheesy, but I'll still watch the movie. I refuse to watch "Wrath of Khan" ever. You can't make me watch it. I hate it. I do have a good reason, though. When I was younger my dad used to take me to see the Star Trek and Star Wars movies in the theaters and so when "Wrath of Khan" came out we went to see it. The scene with the earwigs absolutely terrified me, and it didn't help that my ear was hurting a little bit. By the time I went to bed that night after watching the movie my ear was really hurting and I had nightmares all night that there was an earwig burrowing into my ear. When I woke up the next morning I was even more terrified because my ear hurt really badly and my pillow had a big wet spot on it. I was convinced that there really was an earwig eating my brain. My mom took me to the doctor and it turned out that I had an ear infection and my eardrum had ruptured. Talk about bad timing! I still feel sick even thinking about the movie and I just can't bring myself to watch it. The few times I've stumbled across it on television I almost ran out of the room and my ears started hurting. I'm sure it's a great movie but I don't think there's any way I will ever watch it again.

In the interest of full disclosure, I suppose I should add that I like "Star Wars" better than "Star Trek", though I didn't love the newer trilogy. And I do think the Ewoks are cute (I'm sorry! They're just so fuzzy and adorable!) but I hate Jar Jar Binks, so that should help a little bit.

I hope you don't think too badly of me because of these shortcomings. I promise I usually embrace all other things geeky. Hopefully they won't kick me out of geekdom just because I finally admitted my failings to the world!

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