Friday, July 24, 2009

Since I'm feeling lazy today. . .

Yesterday I discovered a wonderful site - The Lazy Bloggers Post Generator. Since I am in fact feeling lazy today, and since I have a ton of things to do before The Kidd comes home Sunday, I decided to make use of that site for my post today.

Holy Blog Of Doom, Batman! I just returned from my daily swim on the beautiful Fijian beach and realised I have not updated this since the 21st... You would not believe that my hands were chopped off and I was waiting for bionic ones. But I'm sorry you'll just have to take my word for it.

I am so busy with discovering time doesn't stand still, learning to speak Japanese, and just generally being an embarrassment to my cats. My day is a nightmare I would like to wake up from, from the second I am woken by murderous Teletubbies to sun down and beyond. I am putting money aside so I can run away. Maybe tomorrow.

I solemnly swear I will make more of an effort to blog more often until the nice men in the white coats come back. You have my word! Don't hold your breath though, you're likely to turn blue..


Okay, well. . . I guess there really isn't anything more to say. No promises that I won't use that site again. . . I always did love Mad Libs. :) Now I need to get to work. I've frittered away all the time I was supposed to be using for big projects while The Kidd was out of town and didn't really accomplish anything. (I had fun though - I guess that's something.) I have today and tomorrow to finish my entire "To Do" list before he gets back and life returns to normal. Wish me luck!

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